Dr. Tom Miller is the primary dentist at Miller Dental Health Centre. He is the son of Dr. Dean Miller who ran (and continues to work at) the practice the last 30 years. Tom grew up around Dartmouth, paddling on Lake Banook and racing for Team Canada/Nova Scotia. Tom completed his BSc at Queen’s University, graduating early to pursue dentistry at University College Cork in Ireland. Dr. Miller received many awards throughout Dental School and was the top ranked student in his fourth year class. Following graduation he undertook additional hospital training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and IV Sedation at McGill and the University of Alberta respectively. 

Dr. Miller practiced in both Ontario and Quebec before returning home to join the family business here in Nova Scotia. Having practiced in many different environments he firmly believes that the family-run, patient-centred care provided at Miller Dental Health Centre is second to none.

When not at the office, which is rare, he can be found spending time with his family, golfing or travelling.